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JOURNALS // Izvestiya of Saratov University. Physics // Archive

Izv. Sarat. Univ. Physics, 2015 Volume 15, Issue 1, Pages 21–27 (Mi isuph224)


The influence of morphology, conditions of production and external effects on nanoparticles’ (in terms of iron) dielectric properties

D. I. Bilenkoa, D. V. Terina, O. Tozkoparanb, O. Yildirimc, V. V. Galushkaa, I. Dinkerb, E. K. Dobrinskiic, Y. Elermanb, S. B. Veniga

a Saratov State University
b Ankara University
c State Scientific Centre, Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Organoelement Compounds, Moscow

Abstract: It was shown that the complex research of iron nanoparticles properties by different methods, supplemented each other, permit to receive the data about the interior sizes of nanoparticles, a number of physical properties of particles, their dependence on frequency and changes produced by various influences. It was found that the conductivity of nanoparticles changed under the square dependence $\sigma$ = $\sigma_o$ $\omega_2$.

Keywords: nanoparticles, core-shell parameters, iron nanoparticles properties, real and imaginary dielectric permittivity and conductivity, SEM, EDX.

UDC: 6:539.2-022.532

Language: English

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