The application of the asymptotic freedom hypothesis to consider the mechanics of deep inelastic scattering processes (DIS), allows one to reveal the elastic form of the parton ($x_a m_a$ and $x_b m_b$) scattering also for hadron-hadron interactions of particles $a$ and $b$ having masses $m_a$ and $m_b$ with subsequent hadronization of them into the hadron showers. The elastic character of the parton scattering, in its turn, helps to define invariant variables analogoues to DIS (Bjorken $x_a$, $x_b$ and square four-momentum transfer $Q^{2}$) through the two-hadron showers in the c.m.s. of a and b particles. Some results of calculations of 2000 pp-interactions at LHC at $10$ TeV generated by PYTHIA, are presented. This approach can be of interest for QCD-treatment of hh-interactions, cumulative phenomena investigations, search quark-gluon plasma and phase transition in project NICA.
Keywords:asymptotic freedom, deep inelastic scattering processes, elastic parton scattering, invariant variables.