The approach to problem-oriented distributed computing based on grid-services is considered. A service-oriented environment has some properties which are significantly complicating the processes of her organizations and using. These include: heterogeneity and dynamism of environment; diversity of the solved tasks spectrum; sharing of scarce resources of environment by different users which are pursuing their subjective purpose of their exploitation; control of environment nodes by the various resource managers. An analysis of global trends in the field of automation of solving of problem-oriented tasks in such environments suggests that the solution to these problems is directly related to the intellectualization of service-oriented toolkit. The system DISCENT is an example of such toolkit for intelligent control of distributed computing in a cluster grid. The control to clusters in such grid is performed by standardized job management systems. In toolkit DISCENT an interaction with standardized job management systems is provided through the converting requests to grid-services to a job for these systems. In some cases the specialized tools of virtual decomposition of resources and job classification developed by authors allow to improve essentially indicators of the distributed computing environment functioning. The methods service-oriented programming and original author’s intelligent methods and tools of distributed computing control are used. These original developments are based on paradigms of a conceptual programming, knowledge bases and grid-computing. The feature of approach under consideration is the integration of above-listed methods and tools.