The article examines various aspects of the so-called "smart" or "digital" hospitals, the number of which in the world is more than 200. These are hospitals where information technologies are universally implemented, including the intellectual level of clinical decision support and business processes. It should ensure the improvement of the process and quality of medical care, administrative process and communication infrastructure, necessarily including the possibility of monitoring with sensors of equipment strengthened on the patient's body. The maximum full, if necessary, control of physiological parameters and the full availability of all the rest of the information about patients for all medical personnel in any place of its location and comfort for patients through the use of mobile applications and the Internet of things are a necessary condition for an smart hospital. The "smart" hospital is represented from the positions of the cyberphysical system. The architecture of the cyberphysical system in the considered variant of the digital hospital presupposes the intellectual analysis of any monitored datas. As a perspective, an expansion of the range of artificial intelligence methods is considered to support various solutions, mathematical models of physical processes and the application of robots.
Keywords:eHealth, digital hospital, intellectual hospital, cyberphysical system, monitoring of physiological parameters, physical-and-mathematical modeling.