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JOURNALS // Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii. Matematika // Archive

Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., 2023 Number 4, Pages 15–26 (Mi ivm9866)

Square function characterizations of real and ergodic $H^1$ spaces

S. Demir

Agri Ibrahim Cecen University, 04100 Ağrı, Turkey

Abstract: Let $(n_k)$ be a lacunary sequence with no non-trivial common divisor and $f\in L^1(\mathbb{R})$. Define the square function
$$Sf(x)=\left(\sum_{k=1}^{\infty}\left|\frac{1}{n_{k+1}}\int_{0}^{n_{k+1}}f(x-t) dt-\frac{1}{n_k}\int_{0}^{n_k}f(x-t) dt\right|^2\right)^{1/2}.$$
We show that there exist constants $A$ and $B$ such that
$$\|f\|_{L^1(\mathbb{R})}\leq A\|Sf\|_{L^1(\mathbb{R})} \text{and} \|f\|_{H^1(\mathbb{R})}\leq B\|Sf\|_{L^1(\mathbb{R})}$$
for all $f\in L^1(\mathbb{R})$.\Let $(X,\mathscr{B} ,\mu ,\tau )$ be an ergodic, measure preserving dynamical system with $(X,\mathscr{B} ,\mu )$ a totally $\sigma$-finite measure space. Let us consider the usual ergodic averages
and define the ergodic square function
We also show that
$$\|f\|_{L^1(X)}\leq A\|\mathcal{S}f\|_{L^1(X)} \text{and} \|f\|_{H^1(X)}\leq B\|\mathcal{S}f\|_{L^1(X)}$$
for all $f\in L^1(X)$, where $H^1(X)$ denotes the ergodic Hardy space. Combining these results with the author's earlier results we also conclude that the square function $Sf$ characterizes the real Hardy space $H^1(\mathbb{R})$, and the ergodic square function $\mathcal{S}f$ characterizes the ergodic Hardy space $H^1(X)$ when the sequence $(n_k)$ is lacunary.

Keywords: ergodic square function, Hardy space, $H^1$ space, ergodic Hardy space, ergodic $H^1$ space, ergodic average, characterization.

UDC: 517

Received: 07.06.2022
Revised: 07.06.2022
Accepted: 28.09.2022

DOI: 10.26907/0021-3446-2023-4-15-26

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