Celebration of anniversaries is one of the forms of preservation and guarding of historical memory. The aim of the article is to reflect the contribution and features of the participation of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Saratov University during jubilee celebrations in 1935. Among the anniversaries of Saratov University, established in 1909, a special place in its historical «position» occupies a quarter-century anniversary. It was celebrated in April 1935, a year after the terrible famine years in the Volga region (1932–1933), two years after the cancellation of the process of «dismembering» universities into separate institutions, 4 months after the murder of S.M. Kirov. As contemporaries noted, «a celebration the All-Union and political scope was given». The archives did not receive official documents about the anniversary (the program, the list of participants, welcome addresses, etc.). The five-days celebrations can be traced through local newspapers published in April 1935, as well as documentary sources of personal origin (the letter from Professor S.I. Spasokukotsky and photos by Associate Professor V.I. Kalinin, later a professor, founder of the Department of Radiophysics of Saratov University). The article recalls some episodes reflecting the participation of employees of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics in jubilee events in 1935.
Keywords:history of Saratov University, Anniversary of 1935, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, Vladimir D. Zernov, Venedikt I. Kalinin.