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JOURNALS // University proceedings. Volga region. Physical and mathematical sciences // Archive

University proceedings. Volga region. Physical and mathematical sciences, 2015 Issue 4, Pages 111–144 (Mi ivpnz272)


Features of the photodielectric effect, associated with $A^+ +e$ extrinsic complex excitation in quasizero-dimensional structures in an external magnetic field

V. D. Krevchik, A. V. Razumov, P. S. Budyansky

Penza State University, Penza

Abstract: Background. Scientific interest to the photodielectric effect (PDE) is caused by a possibility of its usage as an efficient mechanism of infrared emission influence on propagation of submillimeter waves in quasizero-dimensional structures and as a method of infrared emission registration. In external magnetic fields there occur new opportunities for PDE management, which is important for a number of applications in semiconductor nanoelectronics. The aim of the work is to theoretically research the influence of an external magnetic field on PDE, associated with $A^+ +e$ extrinsic complex excitation in quasizero-dimensional structures. Materials and methods. Curves of spectral dependence of relative change of dielectric permittivity (RCDP), as well as ECDP dependence on the external magnetic field value were generated for a quasizero-dimentional structure, consisting of InSb quantum dots (QD). Calculation of hole binding energy in $A^+ +e$ extrinsic complex was performed in a model of zero radius potential in adiabatic approximation. RCDP was calculated in dipole approximation, taking into account QD radius dispersion. Results. The authors have revealed PDE dichroism, caused by a breakdown of central symmetry of the general state of electronic adiabatic potential, as well as by external magnetic field's presence. The article shows that the external magnetic field suppresses PDE, which is caused by intensification of electronic wave function localization in the magnetic field, as well as by modification of the electronic adiabatic potential. It has been found that PDE in a magnetic field shifts to the short-wave spectral region. In case of light polarization being tranversal to the direction of external magnetic field, the peaks in spectral dependence of PSE split to Zeeman doublets. Conclusions. Efficient PDE management is possible in a magnetic field due to modification of an electronic adiabatic potential and an electronic wave function.

Keywords: photodielectric effect, magnetic field, quantum dot, adiabatic approximation, extrinsic complex, relative dielectric permittivity, Zeeman effect, electronic adiabatic potential, quasizero-dimensional structure.

UDC: 539.23; 539.216.1

© Steklov Math. Inst. of RAS, 2025