Abstract:Background. The effect of current carrier photonic increase bears valuable information about zone structure and mechanisms of charge carrier impulse relaxation in semiconductors. Modification of the electron energy spectrum in conditions of superposition of dimensional and magnetic quantization opens new possibilities for charge carrier diffreaction management, and thereby for photonic increase management. It is topical as the given effect may be used for development of laser emission detectors. The aim of the article is to theoretically research the influence of both the external longitudinal magnetic field and various mechanisms of electrons diffraction in a quantum wire: diffraction at edge dislocation, at longitudinal LA-pnonons, at a system of short-range impurities, at a type of spectral dependence of photonic increase current density. Materials and methods. The confining potential of a quantum wire was simulated by the potential of a two-dimensional harmonic oscillator. To calculate photonic emission current density the authors used the method of Boltzmann kinetic equation, recorded in approximation of relaxation time. The curves of spectral dependence of photonic increase current density in a quantum wire in the presence of a magnetic field were built for the quantum wire based on GaAs. Reslults and conclusions. Peak forms in Zeeman duplet in spectral dependence of photonic increase current density in a quantum wire significantly depends on the mechanism of charge carrier diffraction. It is shown that at the temperature dependence of photonic increase current density there is a maximum which is shifted to higher temperature values as the external magnetic field value increases.
Keywords:edge dislocation, external magnetic field, quantum wire, effect of lelctron photonic increase.