The authors study the influence of external electric and magnetic fields on the average binding energy of the resonance $D^{(-)}$-status and width of the resonance level in the parabolic quantum well. It is assumed that the decay rate of the impure resonance condition is caused by the process of dissipative tunneling. It is shown that the resonance $D^{(-)}$-status, corresponding to $D^{(-)}$-centers, located near the borders of quantum holes have the least life time. The researchers have revealed that an electric field stimulates the disintegration of resonance impurity states by e-polarization and stark shift of energy. It is shown that the magnetic field has a stabilising effect on the resonant $D^{(-)}$ state in quantum well due to the effect of magnetic freezing and locking of tunnel collapse.
Keywords:parabolic quantum well, average binding energy $D^{(-)}$-status, width of the impure resonance level, electric and magnetic field, photo-ionization spectra $D^{(-)}$-centre, dissipative tunneling.