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JOURNALS // University proceedings. Volga region. Physical and mathematical sciences // Archive

University proceedings. Volga region. Physical and mathematical sciences, 2011 Issue 3, Pages 91–109 (Mi ivpnz586)

This article is cited in 5 papers


The influence of a magnetic field on the optical properties of quantum molecules with resonant donor states

V. D. Krevchika, A. V. Kalininaa, E. N. Kalininb, M. B. Semenova

a Penza State University, Penza
b Penza State Pedagogical University named after V. G. Belinsky, Penza

Abstract: The authors have investigated the influence of an external magnetic field and the dissipative tunneling on the average binding energy of $D^{(-)}$-state and the width of the resonant level in the quantum molecule consisting of two tunnel-coupled quantum dots by means of the zero-range potential method. In the dipole approximation, the researchers have obtained analytical formulae for probability of photoionization of $D^{(-)}$-center with a resonant impurity level in a quantum molecule in the cases of the polarized light being longitudinal and transverse to the direction of the external magnetic field. The article investigates the influence of external magnetic field and the parameters of the dissipative tunneling on the spectral dependence of the photoionization of $D^{(-)}$-center in the quantum molecule.

Keywords: quantum dot, quantum molecule, method of zero-range potential, dissipative tunneling, probability of photoionization.

UDC: 539.23; 539.216.1; 537.311.322

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