The article summarizes the main results of hydrochemical studies conducted at the Geographical Research Center of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center since 2013. The research covered the territory from the sources of the main rivers in the high-altitude areas to their flow to the foothill plain from the
Teberda River in the west to the Cherek River in the east. Significant differences in the content of major
ions and microelements in waters originating from glaciers or in the places of underground water outlets
were revealed. It is shown that the contamination of natural waters with trace elements in the highlands
has a focal character and is largely associated with the influence of underlying rocks. The features of the
dynamics of the ionic composition are also associated with the change in the type of rocks during the
transition from the high-altitude zone to the middle-altitude zone. The results obtained are of particular
practical significance in connection with the intensive recreational development of the high-altitude areas
of the Central and Western Caucasus.
Keywords:hydrochemical studies, surface waters, major ions, microelements, Central Caucasus,
Western Caucasus, mountain rivers.