A new class of non-carbon nanotubes based on Group III and Group V elements (aluminum and phosphorus, respectively) is considered. The equilibrium geometry, energy characteristics, and electronic structure of the AlP nanotubes were calculated using the density functional theory. These calculations demonstrated that the AlP nanotubes are energetically stable structures. It was found that a low strain energy (approximately 0.01–0.07 eV) is required for rolling a two-dimensional hexagonal AlP structure into a tube. The AlP nanotubes are found to be wide-band-gap semiconductors with a band gap of 2.05–3.73 eV with direct (for the zigzag type) or indirect (for the armchair type) transitions between the top of the valence band and the bottom of the conduction band. The band gap of these nanotubes increases with the tube diameter, approaching the band gap of a two-dimensional hexagonal AlP layer.