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JOURNALS // Pis'ma v Zhurnal Èksperimental'noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki // Archive

Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 2004 Volume 80, Issue 7, Pages 531–534 (Mi jetpl2133)

This article is cited in 14 papers


On thermodynamic and quantum fluctuations of cosmological constant

G. E. Volovikab

a Low Temperature Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology, Box 2200, FIN-02015 HUT, Finland
b L. D. Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics RAS, 119334 Moscow, Russia

Abstract: We discuss from the condensed-matter point of view the recent idea that the Poisson fluctuations of cosmological constant about zero could be a source of the observed dark energy [1, 2]. We argue that the thermodynamic fluctuations of $\Lambda$ are much bigger. Since the amplitude of fluctuations is $\propto V^{-1/2}$ where $V$ is the volume of the Universe, the present constraint on the cosmological constant provides the lower limit for $V$, which is much bigger than the volume within the cosmological horizon.

PACS: 04.60.-m, 98.80.Cq

Received: 16.08.2004

Language: English

 English version:
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters, 2004, 80:7, 465–468

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