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JOURNALS // Pis'ma v Zhurnal Èksperimental'noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki // Archive

Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 2014 Volume 99, Issue 2, Pages 87–93 (Mi jetpl3640)

This article is cited in 15 papers


Determination of the positions of impurity centers in a dislocation core in a NaCl crystal from magnetoplasticity spectra

V. I. Al'shits, M. V. Koldaeva, E. A. Petrzhik, A. Yu. Belov, E. V. Darinskaya

Institute of Cristallography Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow

Abstract: The spectra of the mean free paths $l(\nu)$ of edge dislocations have been studied in NaCl crystals exposed in the electron paramagnetic resonance scheme to the crossed magnetic fields: the Earth's field ($50$ $\mu$T) and the pump field ($2.5$ $\mu$T, $5$$440$ kHz). The spectra have been measured for a series of angles $\theta=0^\circ{-}5^{\circ}$ of rotation of the sample around its edge [100] with respect to the Earth’s field. The fine structure of the spectra contains a series of peaks whose resonance frequencies are described by the empirical expression $\nu^{\pm}_{i} = A\sin(\theta \pm \Delta\theta_{i}) \approx A(\theta \pm \Delta\theta_{i})$. The parameters $\Delta \theta_i$ are independent of the angle $\theta$ within the experimental errors. Within the model of “frozen” magnetic moments associated with impurity center Ca$^+$–Cl$^0$, the angles $\Delta \theta_i$ characterize the deviation of the axis of the center from the $\langle 100\rangle$ direction in the core of a dislocation. These angles can be expressed in terms of the spectra obtained: $\Delta \theta_i = (\nu^{+}_{i} - \nu^{-}_{i})/2A$. The computer simulation of the edge dislocation core provides the set of the angles $\Delta \theta_i$ close to the measured values. The spin-lattice relaxation time of the center on dislocation has been estimated from the low-frequency edge of the spectrum $l(\nu)$ as $\tau_{s-l}\sim10^{-4}$ s.

Received: 18.12.2013

DOI: 10.7868/S0370274X14020052

 English version:
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters, 2014, 99:2, 82–88

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