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JOURNALS // Pis'ma v Zhurnal Èksperimental'noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki // Archive

Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 2009 Volume 89, Issue 5, Pages 264–269 (Mi jetpl373)

This article is cited in 16 papers


Controlling the spectrum of a two-photon field: Inhomogeneous broadening due to a temperature gradient

D. A. Kalashnikova, K. G. Katamadzeb, S. P. Kulikb

a Zavoisky Physical Technical Institute, Kazan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
b M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Physics

Abstract: A method is proposed and implemented for controlling the spectrum of spontaneous parametric down-conversion. The method is based on generating a temperature gradient along a nonlinear crystal in which biphotons are generated. In this case, the phase-synchronism conditions are modified due to the temperature dependence of the refractive indices. As a result, the spectral composition of the emitted two-photon field is changed.

PACS: 42.50.-p, 42.65.Lm

Received: 27.01.2009

 English version:
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters, 2009, 89:5, 224–228

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