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JOURNALS // Pis'ma v Zhurnal Èksperimental'noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki // Archive

Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 2009 Volume 89, Issue 7, Pages 375–380 (Mi jetpl393)

This article is cited in 9 papers


Positive magnetoresistance effect in rare earth cobaltites

I. O. Troyanchuka, M. V. Bushinskya, D. V. Karpinskya, V. M. Dobryanskiib, V. V. Sikolenkoc, A. M. Balagurovc

a Scientific-Practical Materials Research Centre of NAS of Belarus
b Belarusian State Pedagogical University
c Joint Institute for Nuclear Research

Abstract: The structure, magnetic, and magnetotransport properties of the Pr0.5Sr0.5Co1 − x Fe x O3 system have been studied. The ferromagnet-spin glass (x = 0.5)-G-type antiferromagnet (x = 0.7) transitions and the metal—insulator transitions (x = 0.25) have been revealed. It has been established that the magnetoresistance of the metallic ferromagnetic cobaltites changes sign from positive to negative as the external magnetic field increases. The positive component increases and the negative component decreases with decreasing temperature. The negative magnetoresistance increases sharply in the insulating spinglass phase. Possible causes of the low-magnetic-field positive magnetoresistance in the rare earth metallic cobaltites are discussed.

PACS: 75.47.De, 75.50.-y, 77.80.Bh

Received: 11.02.2009

 English version:
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters, 2009, 89:7, 319–323

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