The magnetic and electric properties of a Cd0.90Mn0.10GeAs2 solid solution with the chalcopyrite structure have been investigated in wide temperature and field ranges. It has been found that a metamagnetic transition from a low-magnetization state to a high-magnetization one is initiated in Cd0.90Mn0.10GeAs2 near the magnetic ordering temperature. This transition is accompanied by the hysteresis of magnetic properties. An external magnetic field at temperatures above TC also induces the metamagnetic transition. When the temperature increases above TC, the magnetization jump decreases, whereas fields inducing the metamagnetic transition increase. The band character of magnetism and metamagnetism in the effective magnetic field is assumed on the basis of the behavior of magnetization in the metamagnetic transition and analysis of the band structure of the solid solution of cadmium-germanium diarsenide with manganese.