A new phenomenon was discovered on the basis of analysis of the Interball project data. A hot plasma flow is thermalized through the formation of «long-operating» vortex streets and local discontinuities and solitons in a distributed region over polar cusps. Plasma percolation through the structured boundary and secondary reconnection of fluctuating magnetic fields in a high-latitude turbulent boundary layer account for the main part of solar wind plasma inflow into the magnetospheric trap. Unlike local shocks, the ion thermalization is accompanied by the generation of coherent Alfvén waves on the scales ranging from ion gyroradius to the radius of curvature of the averaged magnetic field, as well as by the generation of diamagnetic bubbles with a demagnetized heated plasma inside. This «boiling» plasma has a frequency region where the spectrum is different from the Kolmogorov law (with slopes 1.2 and 2.4 instead of 5/3 or 3/2). The fluctuation self-organization in the boundary layer (synchronization of three-wave decays) was observed on certain frequency scales.