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JOURNALS // Pis'ma v Zhurnal Èksperimental'noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki // Archive

Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 2009 Volume 90, Issue 2, Pages 163–166 (Mi jetpl489)

This article is cited in 1 paper


Magnetoresistance and magnetic phase transitions in a Pr$^{11}$B$_6$ antiferromagnet

N. E. Sluchankoa, M. A. Anisimovab, V. V. Glushkovab, S. V. Demisheva, V. B. Filipovc, N. Yu. Shitsevalovac, A. V. Kuznetsovad

a General Physics Institute named after A. M. Prokhorov, Russian Academy of Sciences
b Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
c Institute of Materials Science Problems, NAS of Ukraine
d Moscow Engineering Physics Institute

Abstract: In isotopically pure praseodymium hexaboride (Pr11B6) single-crystal samples, the transverse magnetoresistance Δρ/ρ has been measured in a temperature range of 2–20 K in magnetic fields up to 80 kOe. The field and angular dependences Δρ/ρ(H, ϕ, T 0) reveal a new magnetic phase in the AFM state of Pr11B6 which is observable only for the external magnetic field orientation in a narrow angular range near H ‖ ⟨;110⟩. The data remove the previous contradictions in the Pr11B6 magnetic phase diagram representation and can be explained under the assumption that the spin-polarized regions (ferrons) are involved in the formation of the complex magnetic structure in the Pr11B6 AFM state in the 5d band in the vicinity of the rare-earth ions.

PACS: 72.15.-v

Received: 24.06.2009

 English version:
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters, 2009, 90:2, 152–155

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