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JOURNALS // Pis'ma v Zhurnal Èksperimental'noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki // Archive

Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 2016 Volume 103, Issue 8, Pages 602–605 (Mi jetpl4922)

This article is cited in 2 papers


Non-adiabatic geometric phases and dephasing in an open quantum system

A. E. Svetogorovab, Yu. Makhlinab

a Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics of the RAS, 142432 Chernogolovka, Russia
b Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, 141700 Dolgoprudny, Russia

Abstract: We analyze the influence of a dissipative environment on geometric phases in a quantum system subject to non-adiabatic evolution. We find dissipative contributions to the acquired phase and modification of dephasing, considering the cases of weak short-correlated noise as well as of slow quasi-stationary noise. Motivated by recent experiments, we find the leading non-adiabatic corrections to the results, known for the adiabatic limit.

Received: 14.03.2016

Language: English

DOI: 10.7868/S0370274X16080087

 English version:
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters, 2016, 103:8, 535–538

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