This article is cited in
1 paper
Stabilization of ferromagnetism in BiFeO$_3$:Ho at hydrostatic pressure
T. R. Arslanova,
S. N. Kallaeva,
L. A. Reznichenkob a Institute of Physics, Dagestan Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Makhachkala, Russia
b Research Institute of Physics, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
The isothermal magnetization of the Bi
$_3$ (
$x=0 - 0.2$) multiferroic has been studied at a hydrostatic pressure up to
$9$ GPa in the range of room temperatures. A new anomaly at
$P_C\approx3.81$ GPa related to intermediate phases between the structural transition
$R3c\to Pnma$ has been found against the background of the pressure-induced antiferromagnetic ordering in BiFeO
$_3$ (BFO) at
$P\approx2.59$ GPa. It is established that the ferromagnetic behavior under pressure depends on the Ho impurity concentration:
$P_C$ decreases at
$0.05 \leqslant x\leqslant 0.1$ because of the decrease in
$R3c$ bond lengths in the structure, and the stabilization of ferromagnetism is implemented at
$0.1\leqslant x\leqslant 0.2$ probably because of the coexistence of the
$R3c$ and
$Pnma$ phases. The results of studies indicate that, in Bi
$_3$ with
$x=0.2$, the transition pressure
$P_C=3.7$ GPa exceeds the values for BFO doped with other
$4f$ elements (Eu, Y, Sm) in the region
$R3c\to Pnma$ of the transition.
Received: 19.01.2018
Revised: 06.03.2018