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JOURNALS // Pis'ma v Zhurnal Èksperimental'noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki // Archive

Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 2019 Volume 109, Issue 12, Pages 821–825 (Mi jetpl5930)

This article is cited in 2 papers


Stimulated terahertz emission in a system of excitons in photoexcited silicon

A. O. Zakhar'in, A. V. Andrianov, A. G. Petrov

Ioffe Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia

Abstract: Stimulated terahertz emission owing to population inversion between exciton states in silicon crystals at intense interband photoexcitation is detected. The terahertz gain spectrum exhibits 13.7- and 15.5-meV lines, the gains of which reach 0.5 and 1 cm$^{-1}$, respectively. The 13.7-meV line is due to the population inversion between highly excited states and the ground state of free excitons. The 15.5-meV line can be associated with the population inversion between the two-exciton and biexciton states. The terahertz gain values make it possible to expect the possibility of creating a new type of a terahertz laser on transitions between free excitons in silicon under interband photoexcitation.

Received: 26.04.2019
Revised: 26.04.2019
Accepted: 07.05.2019

DOI: 10.1134/S0370274X19120038

 English version:
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters, 2019, 109:12, 781–785

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