Given a $4d$$\mathcal N=2$ SYM theory, one can construct the Seiberg-Witten prepotentional, which involves a sum over instantons. Integrals over instanton moduli spaces require regularisation. For UV-finite theories the AGT conjecture favours particular, Nekrasov's way of regularization. It implies that Nekrasov's partition function equals conformal blocks in $2d$ theories with $W_{N_c}$ chiral algebra (virasoro algebra in our case). For $N_c=2$ and one adjoint multiplet it coincides with a torus 1-point Virasoro conformal block. We check the AGT relation between conformal dimension and adjoint multiplet's mass in this case and investigate the large mass limit of the conformal block, which corresponds to asymptotically free $4d$$\mathcal N=2$ super symmetric Yang-Mills theory. Though technically more involved, the limit is the same as in the case of fundamental multiplets, and this provides one more non-trivial check of AGT conjecture.