In a dilute gas of triplet magnetoexcitons, complete thermalization does not occur because the energy and momentum cannot be conserved simultaneously. Relaxation to the lowest energy state becomes possible owing to exciton—exciton scattering upon reaching a certain critical exciton density. Since thermalization times are extremely large, ensembles of magnetoexcitons are substantially nonequilibrium and consist of above-condensate magnetoexcitons with generalized momenta close to zero and magnetoexcitons at the energy minimum with momenta about the inverse magnetic length. It has been shown experimentally that the magnetoexciton density is transferred to long distances not by all magnetoexcitons, but by those whose momentum is close to the inverse magnetic length, $\sim 10^{-6}$ cm$^{-1}$, and these magnetoexcitons form a magnetofermionic condensate.