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JOURNALS // Pis'ma v Zhurnal Èksperimental'noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki // Archive

Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 2022 Volume 115, Issue 4, Pages 218–223 (Mi jetpl6609)

This article is cited in 3 papers


Effect of hydrostatic pressure on the resistivity of La$_{0.8}$Ag$_{0.1}$MnO$_3$ ceramic near $T_C$

A.G. Gamzatova, S. A. Gudinb, T. R. Arslanova, M. N. Markelovac, A. R. Kaulc

a Amirkhanov Institute of Physics, Dagestan Federal Research Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Makhachkala, 367003 Russia
b Mikheev Institute of Metal Physics, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Yekaterinburg, 620990 Russia
c Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991 Russia

Abstract: The effect of hydrostatic pressure up to $8.5$ GPa on the transport characteristics of granular ceramic manganite La$_{0.8}$Ag$_{0.1}$MnO$_3$ near the temperature corresponding to the magnetoresistance peak has been studied. The electrical resistivity has been measured in the temperature range of $275$$320$ K at pressures $P = 0, 0.44, 2.32, 3.81$, and $4.84$ GPa. The temperature of the transition from the metallic to semiconductor type of conductivity is a monotonically increasing function of the applied pressure with a slope of $4.54$ K/GPa. At $296$ K, the linear logarithmic plot of the pressure dependence of the resistivity exhibits an anomaly in the form of a kink at $3.85$ GPa. It has been shown that the observed transition with a change in the slope in the logarithmic plot of the pressure dependence of the resistivity is due to the existence of two scattering processes: intragranular and near-boundary ones. Near the transition point, both scattering processes make comparable contributions to the resistivity. For pressures $P < 3.85$ GPa, the contribution to the resistivity from scattering in the boundary layers of grains dominates, whereas the contribution from the homogeneous material within the grains is dominant in the high-pressure range.

Received: 26.11.2021
Revised: 16.12.2021
Accepted: 23.12.2021

DOI: 10.31857/S1234567822040036

 English version:
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters, 2022, 115:4, 190–195

© Steklov Math. Inst. of RAS, 2025