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JOURNALS // Zhurnal Matematicheskoi Fiziki, Analiza, Geometrii [Journal of Mathematical Physics, Analysis, Geometry] // Archive

Zh. Mat. Fiz. Anal. Geom., 2013 Volume 9, Number 3, Pages 360–378 (Mi jmag569)

This article is cited in 4 papers

Real Hypersurfaces in Complex Two-Plane Grassmannians with Generalized Tanaka–Webster Invariant Shape Operator

I. Jeong, E. Pak, Y. J. Suh

Department of Mathematics, Kyungpook National University, Taegu, Korea

Abstract: In this paper, we introduce a new notion of the generalized Tanaka–Webster invariant for a hypersurface $M$ in $G_2(\mathbb{C}^{m+2})$, and give a non-existence theorem for Hopf hypersurfaces in $G_2(\mathbb{C}^{m+2})$ with generalized Tanaka–Webster invariant shape operator.

Key words and phrases: real hypersurfaces, complex two-plane Grassmannians, Hopf hypersurface, generalized Tanaka–Webster connection, Reeb parallel shape operator, $\mathfrak{D}^\perp$-parallel shape operator, Lie invariant shape operator.

MSC: Primary 53C40; Secondary 53C15

Received: 19.11.2011
Revised: 15.03.2012

Language: English

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