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JOURNALS // Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik // Archive

J. Reine Angew. Math., 2014, Volume 2014, Issue 689, Pages 201–241 (Mi jram2)

Weakly-exceptional singularities in higher dimensions

I. Cheltsova, C. Shramovb

a Univ Edinburgh, Sch Math, Edinburgh EH9 3JZ, Midlothian, Scotland
b Steklov Inst Math, Moscow 119991, Russia

Abstract: We show that infinitely many Gorenstein weakly-exceptional quotient singularities exist in all dimensions, we prove a weak-exceptionality criterion for five-dimensional quotient singularities, and we find a sufficient condition for being weakly-exceptional for six-dimensional quotient singularities. The proof is naturally linked to various classical geometrical constructions related to subvarieties of small degree in projective spaces, in particular Bordiga surfaces and Bordiga threefolds.

Received: 01.10.2012

Language: English

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