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JOURNALS // Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki // Archive

Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 2021 Volume 91, Issue 11, Pages 1674–1677 (Mi jtf4890)

This article is cited in 1 paper


Magnetic properties of Dirac 3D semimetal Cd$_{3}$As$_{2}$ with MnAs nanogranules at high pressure

L. A. Saypulaevaa, Sh. B. Abdulvagidova, T. R. Arslanova, A. G. Alibekova, K. Sh. Khizrieva, N. V. Melnikovab, M. M. Gadzhialieva, A. V. Tebenkovb, A. N. Babushkinb, V. S. Zakhvalinskiic, A. I. Rild, S. F. Marenkinde

a Daghestan Institute of Physics after Amirkhanov
b Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Ural Federal University
c National Research University "Belgorod State University"
d Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
e National University of Science and Technology «MISIS», Moscow

Abstract: In this article, we report research data for the isothermal magnetization of a composite consisting of Cd$_{3}$As$_{2}$ Dirac semimetal and MnAs ferromagnet (30 mol%) at pressures up to 5 GPa. A magnetic transformation in MnAs inclusions, the size of which presumably varies from a micro- to nanoscale, has been found to be similar to that in bulk MnAs compound, except for a hysteresis in the range of magnetostructural transformation. Under hydrostatic pressure, a magnetization maximum has been revealed at pressures $P\ge$ 0.77 GPa, which is indicative of ferromagnetic ordering improvement. The conclusion has been drawn that that the above features are due to the superparamagnetic nature of nanometer-sized MnAs inclusions in the Cd$_{3}$As$_{2}$ matrix.

Keywords: high pressures, temperatures, composite, magnetic transitions.

Received: 23.03.2021
Revised: 08.06.2021
Accepted: 12.06.2021

DOI: 10.21883/JTF.2021.11.51527.75-21

 English version:
Technical Physics, 2022, 67:2, 112–114

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