In this article, we report research data for the isothermal magnetization of a composite consisting of Cd$_{3}$As$_{2}$ Dirac semimetal and MnAs ferromagnet (30 mol%) at pressures up to 5 GPa. A magnetic transformation in MnAs inclusions, the size of which presumably varies from a micro- to nanoscale, has been found to be similar to that in bulk MnAs compound, except for a hysteresis in the range of magnetostructural transformation. Under hydrostatic pressure, a magnetization maximum has been revealed at pressures $P\ge$ 0.77 GPa, which is indicative of ferromagnetic ordering improvement. The conclusion has been drawn that that the above features are due to the superparamagnetic nature of nanometer-sized MnAs inclusions in the Cd$_{3}$As$_{2}$ matrix.
Keywords:high pressures, temperatures, composite, magnetic transitions.