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JOURNALS // Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki // Archive

Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 2020 Volume 90, Issue 5, Pages 733–739 (Mi jtf5303)

This article is cited in 3 papers

Gases and Fluids

Acoustic characteristics of self-sustained oscillations occurring due to the interaction of a supersonic underexpanded jet with a cylindrical cavity

K. N. Volkov, V. N. Emelyanov, A. V. Efremov, A. I. Tsvetkov

Baltic State Technical University, St. Petersburg

Abstract: In high-pressure gas–jet Hartmann generators, the source of acoustic energy is kinetic energy of a gas jet by the supercritical ratio between the operation and ambient pressure. Under certain conditions, onflow of a supersonic jet to a resonator is accompanied by powerful self-sustained oscillations with irradiation of acoustic waves into the environment and resonator cavity. A model of a self-oscillating process arising from the interaction of a nonisobaric jet with semi-closed cylindrical cavities is considered, which allows one to identify typical elements of the gas-dynamic structure of the forming flow. The physical pattern of the flow in the gas–jet generator has been discussed and the study of the dependence of the self-sustained oscillation characteristics on the key gas-dynamic and geometric parameters has been performed.

Keywords: aeroacoustic, supersonic jet, noise generation, gas-jet emitter, self-excited oscillating process.

Received: 15.10.2019
Revised: 15.10.2019
Accepted: 03.12.2019

DOI: 10.21883/JTF.2020.05.49172.345-19

 English version:
Technical Physics, 2020, 65:5, 703–709

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