A series of equidistant oscillations have been revealed in the transmission spectrum and dispersion law of Damon–Eshbach surface magnetostatic waves (SMSWs) propagating in submicron (200-nm) yttrium–iron garnet (YIG) films manufactured by means of ion-beam sputtering onto gadolinium–gallium garnet (GGG) substrates. These oscillations correspond to the excitation of magnetoelastic waves in the YIG–GGG structure at frequencies of resonant interaction between the surface magnetostatic waves and the elastic shear modes of the wave-guiding YIG–GGG structure. The obtained results show that the studied YIG films are characterized by an efficient magnetoelastic coupling between their spin and elastic subsystems and the matching of acoustic impedances at the YIG–GGG interface, thus providing the possibility to consider the ion-beam sputtering of YIG films onto GGG substrates as a promising technology for the creation of magnonic and straintronic devices.