The formation of multifunctional ordered arrays of detonation diamond particles is studied during self-assembling in spin coating of films of evaporating microdroplets. It is shown that the most homogeneous layer of diamond particles on a crystalline silicon substrate forms at a rate of substrate rotation of 8000 min$^{-1}$, whereas a relation between the distribution of particles and the radius is clearly detected at rates of about 2000 min$^{-1}$. As the rate of substrate rotation increases from 2500 to 8000 min$^{-1}$, the density of the coating of a silicon substrate with diamond nanoparticles decreases approximately threefold. A model is proposed to estimate the increase in the number of individual diamond “points” with the substrate rotation frequency.
Keywords:Coating Cycle, Diamond Particle, Evaporation Time, Initial Solution Concentration, Solution Film.