The rationality constraint condition is formulated, which states that when solving control, computing and communication problems ($C^3$) together, real-time requirements may not make it possible to find the optimal solution (control action), forcing the use of almost optimal solutions (the best found with the existing restrictions on the search procedure). This condition connects and demonstrates the unity and deep interconnection of such concepts common in management and optimization as: necessary diversity, limited rationality, analytical complexity, heuristics, records in real-time optimization. In relation to the problem of institutional management of organizational and technical systems, a number of examples of solving problems of minimizing error or complexity, as well as searching for: critical bandwidth of the communication channel, critical computing rate and the maximum number of controlled subsystems are given.
Keywords:decision-making, bounded rationality, network management, hierarchical game theory, analytical complexity, real time, the law of necessary diversity, heuristics, standard solution.