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JOURNALS // Matematicheskoe modelirovanie // Archive

Mat. Model., 1996 Volume 8, Number 9, Pages 63–73 (Mi mm1620)

This article is cited in 5 papers

Proceedins of the International Conference on the Optimization of the Finite Element Approximations (OFEA-95), St.-Petersburg, 25–29 June 1995

Preconditioning in the domain decomposition methods for the $p$-version with the hierarchical bases

V. G. Korneev, S. A. Ivanov

Russian Center of Laser Physics, Research Institute of St. Petersburg State University

Abstract: A DD (domain decomposition) method is considered for the $p$- and $h$-$p$-versions with the curvilinear elements for the elliptic second order partial differential equation. Coordinate functions of the reference element are defined by the products of the Legendre's polynomials. Efficient DD preconditioner is suggested on the basis of preconditioners for the problems on subdomains and for the Shur complement.

Language: English

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