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JOURNALS // Matematicheskoe modelirovanie // Archive

Matem. Mod., 2008 Volume 20, Number 10, Pages 86–98 (Mi mm2580)

ENO and WENO versions of Bott's scheme for advection equation

A. A. Ignatyev

St. Peterburg Scientific-Research and Design Institute "Atomenergoproekt"

Abstract: Consecutive generalization of the Bott's scheme for advection equation based on ENO and WENO techniques is suggested. Modified scheme inherits all good properties of original scheme (accuracy and positiveness) and prove to be non-oscillatory. Two variants of 3- and 5-points stencil for flux approximation are considered. WENO versions of these variants have 5-th and 9-th order of accuracy respectively for smooth solutions under constant advection velocity condition. It is shown that the use of coordinate splitting for multi-dimensional cases does not make worse order of accuracy comparing with one-dimensional one.

Received: 02.02.2007

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