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JOURNALS // Matematicheskoe modelirovanie // Archive

Mat. Model., 2008 Volume 20, Number 8, Pages 74–86 (Mi mm2676)

This article is cited in 6 papers

The laser plasma in external magnetic field

D. O. Ustyugova, S. D. Ustyugovb

a Institute for Mathematical Modelling, Russian Academy of Sciences
b M. V. Keldysh Institute for Applied Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences

Abstract: Evolution of laser plasma in external magnetic field was investigated in this work. Equations of ideal MHD in cylindrical system coordinates are numerically solved using conservative TVD difference scheme second order by space and time. At the initial moment heating of target that consist vapors of aluminum is implemented by action short laser pulse with duration time 30 nanoseconds and Gaussian profile by space with half-thickness 0.03 centimeters. Both of weak (plasma parameter $\beta=1$) and strong ($\beta =0.026$) external magnetic field cases are examined. Results show, that magnetic field increase the width of laser jet's front and force plasma to drive mainly along magnetic field lines. Increasing magnitude of magnetic field lead to grow a number of heterogeneous in temperature distribution by jet volume. Moving of plasma look like a jet shape, that directed and localized in vertical direction along axis of symmetry at last studies of simulations.

Received: 02.05.2007

 English version:
Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations, 2009, 1:4, 521–532

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