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JOURNALS // Matematicheskoe modelirovanie // Archive

Matem. Mod., 2008 Volume 20, Number 11, Pages 55–66 (Mi mm2704)

This article is cited in 9 papers

The solution of gas dynamics problems with shock waves using Runge–Kutta discontinous Galerkin method

M. P. Galanin, E. B. Savenkov, S. A. Tokareva

M. V. Keldysh Institute for Applied Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences

Abstract: The paper is dedicated to the testing of RKDG method for gas dynamics and to the comparison of this method with other well-known numerical methods. The comparative analysis was carried out between different variants of RKDG method as well as finite-volume Godunov type schemes. The computations allow to estimate the quality of different schemes. RKDG method has a higher order of approximation, which leads to better quality of the solution.

Received: 10.09.2007

 English version:
Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations, 2009, 1:5, 635–645

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