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JOURNALS // Matematicheskoe modelirovanie // Archive

Mat. Model., 2010 Volume 22, Number 7, Pages 65–81 (Mi mm2997)

An instability of radiative shock wave in the presence of magnetic field

V. A. Gasilova, A. V. Koldobaa, G. V. Ustyugovab

a Institute for Mathematical Modelling RAS, Moscow
b Keldysh Institute for Applied Mathematics RAS, Moscow

Abstract: The mathematical modelling of the matter deceleration in a magnetohydrodynamics radiative shock wave was performed. The problem is relevant to classical T Tauri stars. We consider the limit where the initial deceleration and heating of plasma (at the entrance to the cooling zone) occurs in a fast magnetohydrodynamic shock wave. To calculate the intensity of radiative losses we use “real” and “power-law” radiative functions. We determine the stability/instability of the radiative shock wave as a function of parameters of the incoming flow: velocity, strength of the magnetic field, and its inclination to the surface of the star. In a number of simulation runs with the “real” radiative function, we find a simple criterion for stability of the radiative shock wave for infalling matter velocity is $1.3\cdot10^7$ cm/sec.

Keywords: accretion, radiation, shock wave, magnetohydrodynamics.

Received: 18.09.2008

 English version:
Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations, 2011, 3:1, 81–91

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