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JOURNALS // Matematicheskoe modelirovanie // Archive

Mat. Model., 2003 Volume 15, Number 12, Pages 3–15 (Mi mm362)

Numerical investigation of 3-D separated viscous incompressible fluid flow past an obstacle on a plane

Yu. D. Shevelev, S. G. Klekovkin

Institute for Computer Aided Design of RAS

Abstract: The viscous incompressible fluid flow past an obstacle on a plane is numerically investigated. The governing equations are written in variables “pressure-velocity” for arbitrary curvilinear system of coordinates. Numerical integration is carried out within the framework of a known method of physical variables splitting on a case of arbitrary curvilinear system of coordinates. An essential interest represents the unsteady and 3-D forms of separation. The instant lines of the limiting streamlines were used allowing to classify a topological flow field structure for visualization of separated flows. The topological structures arising near a body surface has been obtained for different Reynolds's numbers. It is shown that near of a body surface the connection of singular point amount is fulfilled. The results are well agreed with numerical, experimental and analytical researches of other authors.

Received: 18.12.2001

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