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JOURNALS // Matematicheskoe modelirovanie // Archive

Matem. Mod., 2016 Volume 28, Number 10, Pages 65–79 (Mi mm3777)

The generalization of the model of Rescigno and De Lisi immune system reactions in case of multiple tumors of the cylindrical form

N. I. Eremeeva

Dimitrovgrad Engineering and Technological Institute – Branch of the National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI», Russia, Dimitrovgrad

Abstract: The article is devoted to the description of several models of the immune response to the appearance of neoplastic process. The models are built on the basis of mathematical model of Resigno and De Lisi, and they are an improvement over the classical model due to the consideration of new geometrical forms of tumors, and by increasing their number. This is important from a practical point of view, because in real life, as a rule, the number of tumors is not a single, and shape of tumors is far from spherical. In addition, the new models take into account that the development of a malignant tumor, there is suppression of the General condition of the immune system, and it also assumes the possibility of receipt of lymphocytes from the outside that allows you to simulate the immune response and gives greater opportunity for neutralization of tumor process and reduce the likelihood of developing the disease.

Keywords: mathematical model, immune response, tumor.

Received: 23.03.2015

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