Formation of ordered structures at ion-beam sputtering a surface of amorphous bodies in case the
strong nonlinearity has significant effect on morphology of the irradiated surface is studied. For
numerical simulation of process three modifications of a Monte-Carlo method are used, first of
which represents a kind of an imitating modeling. It is shown that direct (imitating) statistical
simulation of ion-bombing of a surface of a target which best of all answers the considered
physical process and is widely used in other works has an essential shortcoming. This shortcoming is that the casual fluctuations of the target sputtering depth in an imitating modeling lead to
roughening of a surface which extent does not allow to observe those modes which follow from
the continuous model. Especially it refers to the modes which are set after the long ion-radiation
of a surface of a target. However, solutions of the continuous model can be investigated numerically
by means of other modifications of a Monte-Carlo method with the under dispersion. Two
such modifications are developed in this work. With their help the ordered structure from hollows
with a hexagonal symmetry after the long radiation of a surface of a target by a normal stream of
ions is under certain conditions received.
Keywords:erosion velocity, ion-beam sputtering, Monte Carlo method, surface diffusion, hexagonal symmetry, structure factor, interface width.