The construction of the generalized algorithm of diffuse radiation configuration factors
(CF) calculation is examined is examined. As the basis of the generalized algorithm are
assumed the division of the existing calculating algorithms into two groups (the paired
one and the “one to many”), and also the results of the conducted investigation of the
possible combinations of grid construction and calculated methods (exact, special, numerical integration, and combined) for average, local and elementary CF. Grid methods
are represented as the totality of the object, to which is assigned the grid (surface, contour, solid angle), the type of the grid (there are distinguished 1st and 2nd type grid) and the method of its construction (by determined, statistical, hybrid or hierarchical method).
The overall diagram of the application of grid methods in the algorithms of CF calculation is obtained. The generalized algorithm of CF calculation is represented in the form
of directed graph, which, essentially, is the generalized block diagram, containing practically all known and possible algorithms of CF calculation. The obtained results can be
underlain the software package of CF calculation for the broad task family.