Calculations require consideration multi-scale turbulence, sedimentation of suspensions, adhesion conditions for suspended particles at the water-bottom interface, jet effects, and salvo discharge of soil, which will allow more accurately assess the spatial distribution of concentrations of pollutants and the size of their impact zones, according to the requirements for models for calculating the volumes and areas of water pollution zones with suspended matter and other impurities. This paper describes an improved complex of coupled models of transport of suspended matter and sediment, taking into account the dynamic changes in the computational domain, changes in the density of the medium due to the presence of suspensions and their multicomponent character. Model has been developed for calculating the pollution zones with suspended matter in the presence of wave processes, in which the dynamic rebuilding of the computational domain occurs not only due to a change in the geometry of the level elevation function, but also due to a change in the bottom relief as a result of sedimentation of suspensions.
Keywords:multi-scale turbulence, jet effects, multicomponent impurities, spatial distribution of pollutant concentrations.