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JOURNALS // Matematicheskoe modelirovanie // Archive

Mat. Model., 2020 Volume 32, Number 5, Pages 3–20 (Mi mm4178)

This article is cited in 3 papers

Numerical model of plasma flow injection in solenoid magnetic field

A. N. Kozlovab

a Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics
b Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of RAS

Abstract: Injection of plasma flow generated by the quasi-stationary plasma accelerator into a region with a magnetic field created by the series of ring current-carrying conductors forming a solenoid is considered. Numerical studies were carried out on the basis of the set of the MHD equations represented in terms of the vector potential of the magnetic field, taking into account electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity and radiation transport, provided that the plasma accelerator and ring conductors are located on the same axis. It is shown that small currents in ring conductors create a magnetic field inside the solenoid, which does not significantly affect the main stream, while simultaneously isolating it from the current coils as a result of the formation of the rarefied plasma layer separating high-speed flow of dense plasma. Calculations of the MHD problem also showed that the plasma flow within the solenoid is not accompanied by an increase in the temperature of the medium.

Keywords: magnetogasdynamics model, plasma flows, plasma accelerator, ring conductors with a current.

Received: 14.10.2019
Revised: 14.10.2019
Accepted: 25.11.2019

DOI: 10.20948/mm-2020-05-01

 English version:
Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations, 2021, 13:1, 1–10

© Steklov Math. Inst. of RAS, 2025