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JOURNALS // Matematicheskoe modelirovanie // Archive

Mat. Model., 2020 Volume 32, Number 7, Pages 24–46 (Mi mm4195)

Matrix text models. Interpretation and experimental verification of models

M. G. Kreines, E. M. Kreines

BaseTech Llc, Moscow

Abstract: Interpretation of matrix models of texts and text collections is considered. Examples of computationally constructed models of text collections are presented. These examples demonstrate the richness of the simulation results and the possibilities of practical use of the proposed approaches. The original method of experimental verification of the acceptability of text models for solving problems of semantic search and analysis of unstructured text information is described, and the results of the corresponding largescale experiment are presented.

Keywords: natural language texts, text collections, text models, text information retrieval, model verification.

Received: 16.05.2019
Revised: 16.05.2019
Accepted: 01.07.2019

DOI: 10.20948/mm-2020-07-02

 English version:
Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations, 2021, 13:2, 195–209

© Steklov Math. Inst. of RAS, 2025