The paper discusses supercomputer modeling of the dynamics of plankton populations,
including phyto- and zooplankton, in coastal systems. The mathematical model of the
dynamics of planktonic populations includes a system of convection-diffusion-reaction
equations with nonlinear members, allows to study the mechanism of external hormonal
regulation based on the scenario approach. The proposed mathematical 3D model is linearized, its discretization is carried out, and on the basis of splitting by coordinates, a
chain is obtained, consisting of two-dimensional and one-dimensional problems. For the
numerical implementation of the proposed mathematical model of the hydrobiology of
the coastal system in the form of a software module (SM), a multiprocessor computing
system (MCS) was used, designed for massively parallel computations, its use made it
possible to significantly reduce the operating time of the SM. To improve the accuracy of
the calculations, a procedure was used to refine the solution on a sequence of thickening
uniform rectangular grids. The influence of the mechanism of ectocrine regulation and
the regime of nutrient intake on the production and destruction processes of plankton has
been studied. The mathematical model includes a nonlinear dependence used to describe
the growth rate of algal cells on the concentration of the metabolite, which made it possible to describe the ability of algal excretion products to control their growth even under
conditions of massive influx of pollutants. The approach used meets modern concepts of
the functioning of hydrobiocenosis. On the basis of the developed supercomputer-oriented software toolkit, not only direct trophic interactions, but also the actions of the
waste products of individuals, which are mediated — chemical interactions, have been
Keywords:mathematical model of hydrobiology, mechanism of external hormonal regulation, chemical interactions of plankton, splitting, algorithm, super-computer.