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JOURNALS // Moscow Mathematical Journal // Archive

Mosc. Math. J., 2014 Volume 14, Number 3, Pages 617–637 (Mi mmj535)

This article is cited in 14 papers

On point-like interaction of three particles: two fermions and another particle. II

R. A. Minlos

Institute for Information Transmission Problems of Russian Academy of Sciences, Bolshoy Karetnyi 19, Moscow, Russia

Abstract: This work continues our previous article, where the construction of Hamiltonian $H$ for the system of three quantum particles is considered. Namely the system consists of two fermions with mass 1 and another particle with mass $m>0$. In the present paper, like before, we study the part $T_{l=1}$ of auxilliary operator $T=\oplus_{l=0}^\infty T_l$ involving the construction of the resolvent for the operator $H$. In this work together with the previous one two constants $0<m_1<m_0<\infty$ were found such that: 1) for $m>m_0$ the operator $T_{l=1}$ is selfadjoint but for $m\leq m_0$ it has the deficiency indexes $(1,1)$; 2) for $m_1<m<m_0$ any selfadjoint extension of $T_{l=1}$ is semibounded from below; 3) for $0<m<m_1$ any selfadjoint extension of $T_{l=1}$ has the sequence of eigenvalues $\{\lambda_n <0,\ n> n_0\}$ with the asymptotics
$$ \lambda_n=\lambda_0e^{\delta n}+O(1),\quad n\to\infty, $$
where $\lambda_0<0$, $\delta>0$, $n_0>0$ and there is no other spectrum on the interval $\lambda<\lambda_{n_0}$.

Key words and phrases: selfadjoint extension, Mellin's transformation, formula of Sokhotsky, boundedness from below, deficincy index.

MSC: 81Q10, 47S30

Received: February 10, 2012

Language: English

DOI: 10.17323/1609-4514-2014-14-3-617-637

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