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JOURNALS // Trudy Moskovskogo Matematicheskogo Obshchestva // Archive

Tr. Mosk. Mat. Obs., 2014 Volume 75, Issue 2, Pages 335–359 (Mi mmo569)

This article is cited in 25 papers

Sturm–Liouville operators

K. A. Mirzoev

M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics

Abstract: Let $ (a,b)\subset \mathbb{R}$ be a finite or infinite interval, let $ p_0(x)$, $ q_0(x)$, and $ p_1(x)$, $ x\in (a,b)$, be real-valued measurable functions such that $ p_0,p^{-1}_0$, $ p^2_1p^{-1}_0$, and $ q^2_0p^{-1}_0$ are locally Lebesgue integrable (i.e., lie in the space $ L^1_{\operatorname {loc}}(a,b)$), and let $ w(x)$, $ x\in (a,b)$, be an almost everywhere positive function. This paper gives an introduction to the spectral theory of operators generated in the space $ \mathcal {L}^2_w(a,b)$ by formal expressions of the form
$$ l[f]:=w^{-1}\{-(p_0f')'+i[(q_0f)'+q_0f']+p'_1f\}, $$
where all derivatives are understood in the sense of distributions. The construction described in the paper permits one to give a sound definition of the minimal operator $ L_0$ generated by the expression $ l[f]$ in $\mathcal {L}^2_w(a,b)$ and include $ L_0$ in the class of operators generated by symmetric (formally self-adjoint) second-order quasi-differential expressions with locally integrable coefficients. In what follows, we refer to these operators as Sturm–Liouville operators. Thus, the well-developed spectral theory of second-order quasi-differential operators is used to study Sturm–Liouville operators with distributional coefficients. The main aim of the paper is to construct a Titchmarsh–Weyl theory for these operators. Here the problem on the deficiency indices of $ L_0$, i.e., on the conditions on $ p_0$, $ q_0$, and $ p_1$ under which Weyl's limit point or limit circle case is realized, is a key problem. We verify the efficiency of our results for the example of a Hamiltonian with $ \delta $-interactions of intensities $ h_k$ centered at some points $ x_k$, where
$$ l[f]=-f''+\sum _{j}h_j\delta (x-x_j)f. $$

UDC: 517.984.46, 517.927.25

MSC: 34B24, 34B20, 34B40

Received: 07.05.2014

 English version:
Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society, 2014, 75, 281–299

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