We conjecture, and prove for all simply-laced Lie algebras, an identification
between the spaces of $q$-deformed conformal blocks for the deformed $\mathcal{
W}$-algebra $\mathcal{ W}_{q,t}(\mathfrak{g})$ and quantum affine algebra of
$\widehat{^L\mathfrak{g}}$, where $^L\mathfrak{g}$ is the Langlands dual Lie algebra to $\mathfrak{g}$.
We argue that this identification may be viewed as a manifestation of
a $q$-deformation of the quantum Langlands correspondence. Our proof relies on
expressing the $q$-deformed conformal blocks for both algebras in terms of the
quantum $\mathrm{K}$-theory of the Nakajima quiver varieties. The physical origin of the
isomorphism between them lies in the $\mathrm{6d}$ little string theory. The quantum
Langlands correspondence emerges in the limit in which the $\mathrm{6d}$ little string
theory becomes the $\mathrm{6d}$ conformal field theory with $(2,0)$ supersymmetry.
References: 130 entries.
Key words and phrases:Landlands correspondence, $q$-conformal blocks.