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JOURNALS // Matematicheskie Trudy // Archive

Mat. Tr., 2018 Volume 21, Number 2, Pages 102–116 (Mi mt340)

Exponential inequalities for the distributions of $V$-processes based on dependent observations

I. S. Borisovab, V. A. Zhechevc

a Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk, 630090 Russia
b Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, 630090 Russia
c Yandex Technologies, Moscow, 119021 Russia

Abstract: In the paper, exponential inequalities are obtained for the distribution tail of the sup-norm of a $V$-processes with canonical kernel based on independent or weakly dependent observations.

Key words: exponential inequality, canonical $U$- and $V$-statistics, $V$-process, multiple orthogonal series, dependent observations, mixing conditions.

UDC: 519.21

Received: 22.04.2018

DOI: 10.17377/mattrudy.2018.21.204

 English version:
Siberian Advances in Mathematics, 2019, 29, 263–273

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