A random system $S$ of $M=M(n)$ discrete equations with n unkowns is considered. Each equation contains at most m unknowns which are selected at random, independently and (possibly) nonuniformly. We find conditions on the structure of equations ensuring that for $M-c\sqrt n=o(\sqrt n)$, $n\to\infty$, $m=\operatorname{const}$, the limit probability of solvability decreases continuously from $1$ to $0$ when $c$ increases from $0$ to $\infty$. An algorithm detecting the unsolvability of a random system of equations is described. This algorithm has low time complexity $O(\sqrt n)$. The limiting probability of detection the unsolvability is the same as for the exhaustive search algorithm. Our proofs are based on the geometric properties of random system of equations.
Key words:systems of discrete equations, unsolvability, probabilistic algorithms.